Behavioral Parent Training

Surviving Distance Learning

Surviving Distance Learning

Many of our children are still home for distance learning. And many parents still find themselves trying to juggle being their child’s teacher while also doing their own work. Parents are superheroes. But you can’t do it all. Here are some simple tips to increase your child’s independence during distance learning (so you can actually get something else done during the day!).

How to Get Your Child to Wear a Mask

How to Get Your Child to Wear a Mask

Masks or face coverings are now becoming the new normal. But how are you going to get your child to wear a mask?! This post is for parents who are having a hard time getting their child to wear a mask. Maybe you've tried making wearing a mask fun, or having your child help decorate the mask but they’re still not having it. In this post I'll discuss another useful strategy for teaching your child how to wear a mask called desensitization.

How to Overcome Bedtime Battles and Develop a Healthy Bedtime Routine for Your Child

How to Overcome Bedtime Battles and Develop a Healthy Bedtime Routine for Your Child

Sleep is critical for your child’s health, and yet 35-50% of young children experience sleep problems including difficulty before bedtime. Do you dread bedtime because you know it will be a battle? Does it take forever to get your child to fall asleep? Discover how to establish a healthy bedtime routine for your child and set the stage for a good night’s sleep.

Creating Routines for Your Children During COVID-19

Creating Routines for Your Children During COVID-19

Google, “Surviving COVID-19 with Children”, and the number one piece of advice you’ll get is to create a routine. Children thrive on routines. They make transitions easier and can help decrease anxiety. But what does a routine actually look like and how can you make a routine that works for your family? Check out these 6 tips on how to create a routine that works for you.

Using Telehealth to Conduct Behavioral Parent Training: Supporting Families in the Times of COVID-19

Using Telehealth to Conduct Behavioral Parent Training: Supporting Families in the Times of COVID-19

We’re all coming to terms with the new realities of living in a world during COVID-19. These are scary times for everyone. Parents are especially vulnerable. They’re being pushed to their limits as they find themselves at home with their children, for an unknown period of time. Parents, you are not alone. There are professionals who specialize in helping families address these questions and who can help you through times like the one we find ourselves in. In this post I’ll be describing Behavioral Parent Training and what it looks like when we’re using telehealth because we can’t meet face-to-face.